9 March 2009


So after much cajoling, my girlfriend finally convinced me to go out clubbing with her for her birthday on Saturday. Having been slightly hung over all day Sunday (I'd have been happier to be very hung over in the morning and fine later on) I think I have just about enough thoughts in order to blog about it. So in the immortal words of Kel, awwww here goes.

The night consisted of:
- Getting takeaway and chatting for a while.
- Going to The Ship
- Going to Warehouse

Takeaway was all good but I was missing for a lot of it trying to find some ID, having a shower and getting ready.

Firstly, being what Eric Idle once termed 'merely an amateur drinker,' I didn't down quite as much as everybody else. This is my key problem - to me, drinking is not an activity. It is something to be done in addition to other activities. So as much fun as it was to hang around in The Ship, the pub I consider to be 'my local,' the weight of drinking was not really enjoyable to me, even if I do like a few.

Warehouse was where things kind of fell apart, for a number of reasongs.

- Clubbing is great, if you like to dance. I don't. Meaning I had nothing to do but sit and drink, which I did for a while (although Warehouse don't do my favourite drink). Thing is, all my friends (well, the ones I came with, I found some others upstairs) were dancing.
- If you go with friends, you may as well not have bothered, because the music is too loud to talk to them and on a dancefloor you get separated within seconds. Plus the music is also too loud for them to get a phone message.
- If you don't like the music, too bad, because it's loud as hell and will just keep pounding at you.
- Time may fly when you're having fun, but when you're bored it's verrrryyyy sllllooowwwww.

On the plus side, I expected to be utterly miserable all night, but I did have a bit of fun, and the rest of the time was just plain bored - an improvement on the expected misery. I can see myself doing it again as a favour to my girlfriend (it was her birthday after all) but not sure how often it'll happen that aside. Plus we need to find a club that does Kopparberg!


  1. I love clubbing but I couldn't agree more with you on it being too loud to talk. Sometimes on a night out it just feels like you do all your talking at the pub/bar but then when you get to the club of course you've done all the talking you need to do for the rest of the night (maybe clubbing was invented by a man!) I just wish there was somewhere to chill and chat with your friends that isn't the loos, which aren't exactly pleasant and limits you to talking to friends of the same sex, or the smoking area which is cold and, well, smokey!

  2. I usually enjoy myself at Warehouse, but that's usually to do with the amount of alcohol I consume beforehand. I understand why you probably didn't enjoy the Warehouse because I think the music they play helps, third floor being my preference.Plus the fact they don't have Kopparberg, the swines!
