28 January 2010

Wrestling's not gay.

Wrestling is not gay.

Okay, wrestling is extremely gay.

But not all the time.

I can't exactly deny that a pair of greased-up, musclebound roid-heads rolling around on the mad touching each other inappropriately isn't gay.

However, not every wrestler looks like Ted Dibiase Jnr.

Take, for example, my favourite wrestler - and one of my favourite authors - Mick Foley.

It's not particularly gay to fall off and then through a cage that's a legitimate sixteen feet tall.


Foley is not one of the gay-looking, wrestle-on-the-floor kind of wrestlers. He's an "I spend most of my time falling onto barbed wire" type wrestler.

And by the way, that's all real blood streaming down his face. Feel free to root around on youtube if you don't believe me, but unless Foley spends his whole time covered in blood packs, I think he's shed some real blood.

Oh, and he's MISSING AN EAR due to a match in Hamburg in 1994, against a guy called Vader. Vader is a wrestler who's known for being tough in the ring, and he demands no less from his opponents - to the extent that he once almost got his eye punched out in the ring.

Then he finished the match.

But enough about the tough stuff of wrestling. Wrestling's not all about barbed wire, blood and setting each other on fire.

It's also about being utterly, utterly daft.

It's like Eastenders in tights, it's the height of ridiculousness. And it's just stupid fun.

If you can't enjoy watching a 25-stone man throwing a bin at a midget funny, then there's something wrong with your very soul.

Wrestling's not gay (all the time), it's just stupid. It also features pretty staggering displays of athleticism at times and every once in a while, genuinely emotional moments.

As far as the 'it's all fake' arguments, I have two things to add.

Firstly, find a metal folding chair and get hit with it. And before you go on about a 'fake chair,' watch some original ECW. Is every damn chair in that arena fake? Because they all get used.

Secondly, everything is fake. TV is fake. Movies are fake. Actors don't do their own stunts (much). It's all fake emotion, fake entertainment.

There's nothing wrong with wrestling. It's not gay, it's just dumb.

And it's also incredibly entertaining.

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