30 December 2009

Why I hate Scrubs

Scrubs is a half-decent little TV show with an often surreal sense of humour, and I used to like it a lot.

At least, I used to like the first three or four seasons a lot, before it started to go abruptly downhill.

But now, a few episodes (mostly early ones) aside, I can't stand it. Why is that, you ask? Two characters.

Elliot Reed and John Dorian.

Let's start with Elliot. She is a giant slag.

No, really. She seems to have some kind of phony morality in the TV show, but she is a slag.

In the very first episode of the show, she sexually manipulates JD in order to get ahead, something she repeats in the fourth season to her own detriment. The show seems to think we should be rooting for her in this situation, but it's her own stupid fault.

In the third season, meanwhile, while in a long-distance relationship with Sean (who gets utterly screwed over by her once before as well, by the way, and doesn't deserve it either time) she sleeps with JD, before immediately hooking up with Sean again.

She then has the nerve to take the moral high ground on JD when he feels that, you know, having sex with him might have been a sign that she likes him or something like that.

Which brings us to JD. JD is an IDIOT. An unlikable, annoying, immature idiot who says stupid things, does horrible things to people and is generally a jerk.

It'd take me far too long to list them all here, but I may as well give a few examples.

He constantly says incredibly insulting things to people, usually his closest friends ("You're supposed to struggle, not me" to Elliot in series four).

He nails a widow AT HER HUSBAND'S FUNERAL. I don't care how long he was in a coma or how good an emotional state she claims to be in... HER HUSBAND JUST DIED. You could at least wait until you got home for goodness sake, because I'd say she may not be in the sanest state of mind.

He is so weak emotionally that he can't even break up with someone and so needy that he'll just cling onto anybody who throws him even a second glance.

With these two the focal point of the show - along with Turk, who to be fair I adore - I just can't stand to watch it any more. JD constantly makes the wrong decisions when it's so easy to see what he should do (and unlike in say, Peep Show, it's not entertaining) and Elliot is just a slag still.

So, forget you Scrubs.

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