16 October 2009


Sorry, Olivia, but...

Fashion is stupid.

Fashions as far back as... forever, have been stupid. People will do anything to be in style, and this has led to some utterly idiotic trends in the past.

Look no farther than any 1980s music video, each one a horrifying collision of asymmetrical haircuts, neon and chain-link fences, to see my point.

There was a period where I thought that our generation had squeaked by without too many hideously embarassing trends to look back on in a few years.

But then emo happened.

(No, not emo, emo!).

But no, as if floppy fringes and idiotically tight skinny jeans weren't enough, this year's dumb fashion choice du jour is... leggings.


That is to say, tights, but a bit thicker.

Everywhere you look now, people are wearing leggings and thinking that constitutes being fully dressed from the waist down.

And not just scandalously short dresses and leggings, either. I'm starting to see people wearing cardigans and leggings and thinking this means they're decent.

How is this possible? Leggings leave exactly nothing to the imagination. It's ridiculous.

I hesitate to use the phrase which properly describes it, but let's just say we're seeing a lot of outlines to things we shouldn't be seeing without at least paying for dinner first.

Honestly, I feel embarassed being near people wearing them. I seriously feel like I should avert my eyes the entire time.

It's like being shoved into the girls' locker room against your will, all the time.

So come on girls. Show some class. Leggings are not trousers, they are leggings. You're supposed to wear something over them.

1 comment:

  1. Umm when was the last time you saw leggings being worn as trousers at London, New York, Milan or Paris fashion week? Don't go shouting at fashion for societies faux pas!
