12 November 2009

1001 albums you must listen to before you die

In a recent HMV sale I acquired the book 1001 albums you must hear before you die, 2007 edition.

The title is at it indicates, really - albums you should hear to consider yourself musically educated.

Sequenced chronologically, it's not, as many people think, a list of the greatest albums ever. It is simply a list of albums that are interesting, fascinating, or influential.

In some cases, they're just notable; and in the case of The Circle Jerks' Group Sex album the whole record is only fifteen mintues long.

I counted, and in total I'd heard 156 of the 1001 in there. I'm pretty happy with that, and since that count I've gone up to 164 through purchases of records I was interested in hearing, so I thought I'd air some of my thoughts relating to that. I'm not going to cover all eight of the new albums I've bought, just a couple of them.

First of all, Iggy Pop's The Idiot, from 1977.

Iggy Pop is one of rock 'n' roll's foremost nutters. He's known for whipping his genitalia out on television, cutting himself onstage and doing enough drugs to make Keith Richards blush. He usually sounds something like this.

On The Idiot, he sounds like he's fronting Joy Division (and oddly enough, this was the record spinning on Ian Curtis' turntable when he was found dead).

It's insane. Industrial beats, multi-tracked vocals and guitars that slither from speaker to speaker sinuously. It's nothing like Iggy had ever sounded before, and never would sound quite like this again.

I'll cover more of them in the coming days. In the meantime, if you like Iggy or Joy Division and haven't heard this yet, you need to!

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